lørdag 20. november 2010


I'm pretty sure I don't have a million followers on this thing.. Probably not even 5. Anywho, I want you guys who actually check this thing out to know that I really appreciate it! I couldn't even imagine a greater compliment. This (tattooing) is what I do and what I love and I love to make you guys happy with what you get! I'm truly thankful for all my customers and I am totally amazed by the fact that you're wearing my "art" on your skin forever. You all make my day, every day. Thank you!

1 kommentar:

  1. Flink du er Morten! Jeg sparer til en ny tatoering jeg og,kan jeg kontakte deg for en time når jeg har penger nok (hehe stund til ;) ?
    Hilsen Ida Asak (hu derre til han Kenneth ;)
