fredag 10. desember 2010

Eye of the beholder!

Had a great time doing this one, trying some different stuff!

Tepee tendant.

This was awesome to tattoo, had a smile that lastet the rest of the day!

Fun much?

Second throat I've made, Mr. Reaper and Ariel. These were all tons of fun!


The randomness of certain un-1337 noob wowcoders never seize to amaze me. brb..

Chris and his special friend!

I don't really wanna over-explain this, but it has something to do with christmas and nothing to do with restaurants.. There would be but hasn't.

Enjoyable tats from a couple of weeks ago!

Some healed tattoos I really enjoyed doing!


I know I've already posted this one, but I got these healed shots so here it ie again.